(X)The price is cheap.
(O)The price is so low. / That’s really a steal.
cheap 這個形容詞是用來形容物品價錢便宜,如果句子裡有提到 price(價錢)時,會用價格的高與低來表達,像是 The price is so high / low ,並不會用 The price is expensive / cheap。
- Wow! The price is so low. That’s really a steal!
這真的賺到了!哇!這價格太低了。 - This present’s price is too high.
這禮物的價錢太高。 - The T-shirt was so cheap, I had to buy two of them.
(X)I want this back.
(O)I’d like to return this back.
表達退貨,使用「return」在文句當中即可,像是 return this product back,而退貨後所得到的退款則是「refund」。 I want this back 則是表達:「我想要拿回(原本屬於自己的)某物」的意思。
- Salesperson : Hello, how may I help you?
Customer : I’d like to return this back.
顧客:我想要退貨。 - After Jessi returned the clothes back, she received a refund.
當 Jessi 退回她的衣服後,她收到退款。 - I returned my iPad back, because it had some problems.
我將我的 iPad 退貨,因為它有些問題。
(▲)You are nice.
(O)How big of you! / How generous of you!
在英文表達中,big 可用來表示某人的心胸寬大,個性很好,當要稱讚他人很好、很大方時,可以用 How big of you! / How generous of you! 來讚美對方。
- Kate : Could you give me the paper in 20 minutes?
Petter : Sure. 當然好。
Kate : Wow! How big of you! 哇!你人真好!
(X)Your face looks so good. / You smell really good.
(O)You look well. / Wow, looking good.
因為在一般英文日常對話中,並沒有專門表示氣色這個詞,因此想要形容一個人氣色不錯,可以用 You look well / Wow, looking good 來表示即可。
- Wow, you looking good.
哇!你看起來氣色不錯。 - Amy : You look well. 妳氣色不錯。
Tina : Thank you! So do you. 謝謝!妳也是。
(X)I wanna pay money.
(O)Can I have the bill / check?
當用餐完要結帳時,英文裡不會直接說我要付錢,而是向店員索取帳單來表示要結帳,因此大多會用 Can I have the bill(英式) / check(美式)? 來表達,而若是你想要請客,可以跟與你用餐的夥伴說 Let me pay you 或 It’s on me.
- Excuse me, can I have the bill?
不好意思,可以給我帳單嗎? - Sam : Thanks for having dinner with me. Let me pay you!
Anna : Thank you so much. I’ll treat you next time!