Introduction of Emotional Intelligence 情緒智力入門 - 3小時 (一次性)
Outcomes 課程結果
Align the principles of emotional intelligence with high performance in the aviation industry 使情緒智力原理與績效保持一致
Understand how positive and negative experiences alter your bodies chemistry and mental performance in interviews 了解正面和負面的經歷如何改變您的身體化學和心理表現,且如何影響你的面試表現
Explore what Motivation is and is not and how to get more of it fast! 探索什麼是動機,什麼不是動機,它可衡量和不衡量什麼
Understand the emotional intelligence framework and the basic actions within each pillar for high performance 了解情緒智力框架以及情緒智力各個支柱中的基本行動
Discover how your emotional state has a strong influence over your first impressions 介紹一下我們的情緒狀態對我們的行為有很大影響的想法
Explore why certain things trigger Fear and how you can manage Fear’s impact on your aviation career 探索是某些因素會觸發恐懼,以及我們如何管理恐懼帶來的績效影響
Understand the key principles that underpin emotional intelligence and how they apply to success in the aviation industry 了解支撐情商的關鍵原則以及它們如何應用於航空業的成功
Aviation Emotional Intelligence 航空情商智力
Outcomes 課程結果
Align the principles of emotional intelligence with high performance in the aviation industry 使情感智力的原則與航空業的高性能保持一致
Explore what Motivation is and is not and how to get more of it fast! 探索什麼是動機,什麼不是動機,以及如何快速獲得更多動機!
Understand how positive and negative experiences alter your bodies chemistry and mental performance in interviews 了解正面和負面的經歷如何改變您的身體化學和心理表現,且如何影響你的面試表現
Explore the basics of Self-Awareness to attain high levels of respects 探索自我意識的基礎
Create strategies to improve self-awareness, deploy personal strengths and create strategies to mitigate personal limitations in your aviation career 制定策略以提高自我意識,發揮個人優勢並製定策略來減輕在航空業中對自我的設限
Explore the basics of an Accurate Self-Assessment and its connection to gaining respect from your peers 探索準確的自我評估的基礎,以及在聯結當中得到他的人的尊重
Explore the impact on your aviation career when an Accurate Self-Assessment is being practised and the impact when it is lacking 探索在進行準確的自我評估時,或在缺乏自我評估時 對航空業的影響 。
Understand how positive and negative experiences alter your bodies chemistry and mental performance in interviews 了解正面和負面的經歷如何改變您的身體化學和心理表現,且如何影響你的面試表現
Explore how to regulate your levels of stress and eliminate performance anxiety 探索自我調節的基礎知識和自我調節的五個子因素
Create strategies to improve your self-regulation and mitigate personal limitations 制定改善自我調節的策略,發揮個人優勢,並製定緩解個人限制的策略
Explore different types of motivators and so you are seen at the best possible candidate for the job 探索不同類型的激勵因素,因此您會被視為工作的最佳人選
Explore how to increase your motivation for career success 探索動機的基礎知識和動機的四個子因素
Create strategies to improve motivationand mitigate personal limitations 制定策略以提高動力,發揮個人優勢並製定策略以減輕個人限制
Explore the possible impact of Anticipation on your aviation career 探索預期,觸發點,放大點 和稀釋器的可能影響
Learn how to read the thoughts and feelings of you peers for enhanced communication and rapport 學習讀心術 了解同儕的想法和感受,以增進溝通和融洽關係
Create strategies to improve social-awarenessand mitigate personal limitations 制定策略來提高社會意識,發揮個人優勢並製定策略來減輕個人限制
Explore the possible impact of Fear to ensure it does not limit your career 探索預期,觸發點,放大點 和稀釋器的可能影響
Explore how to influence and persuade people to your way of thinking using Emotional Intelligence strategies 探索如何使用情緒智力策略影響和說服人們使用您的思維方式
Create strategies to improve social regulationsand mitigate personal limitations 制定改善社會性規制的策略,發揮個人優勢,並製定緩解個人限制的策略
Explore the possible impact of Surprise, the triggers, magnifiers and diluters to reach peak performance 探索預期,觸發點,放大點 和稀釋器的可能影響
Manage and Lead your team 管理和領導團隊 (企業配合課程專案) - 這是18個小時的課程
Desired Outcome(s):課程結果
Explore the basics of the DISC model 探索DISC模型的基礎
Explore what DISC is and is not, what it measures and does not measure 探索什麼是DISC,什麼不是DISC,它衡量和不衡量的內容
Introduce the idea that people are different and Explore how DISC can help us simplify these complexities 介紹人們與眾不同的想法,並探索人們是複雜的,但是像DISC這樣的模範可以幫助我們簡化這些複雜性
Introduce the “spectrum” of the DISC model 介紹DISC模型的“頻譜”或“連續譜”概念
Gain a balanced understanding of the positive and negative DISC behaviours 理解DISC框架,四種行為模式,對DISC行為(所有的積極和消極特徵)有一個均衡的了解
How to identify the DISC Styles within 30 seconds of your first interaction 如何在30秒內識別DISC樣式
Quickly identify DiSC Styles by observing specific human behaviors. 根據他們說什麼/如何說以及他們做什麼/如何做來識別DiSC風格的線索
Identify people’s DiSC Style by their unconscious communication styles 通過辦公室,電話溝通或書面溝通來確定DiSC風格的線索
Create a sharable tool that displays each team memebers DISC graph, how to and not to communicate with each participant and how each participant might add value to an organisation, group or team 創建一個可共享的工具,以顯示每個參與者的DISC圖,如何與每個參與者交流以及如何必免以何種方式和每個參與者進行交流,以及每個參與者如何為組織,團體或團隊增加價值
Introduce Potential Ways to Identify DISC Styles 介紹識別DISC樣式的潛在方法
Improve your leadership style and remove common limitations of the DiSC Style leader 探索DiSC Style作為領導者的一些共同優勢以及DiSC Style作為銷售員的一些共同缺陷
Quickly adapt your management/leadership approach by team member with superior DiSC Style communication 強調團隊成員調整我們的管理/領導方法的重要性
Create a personalised tool for each participant to understand how to work more effectively with their fellow team members. 為每個參與者創建個性化工具,以了解如何與其他團隊成員更有效地合作。
Create a tool that summarises how to and not to communicate with each team member. 創建一個總結工作幫助如何與每個團隊成員進行交流。
Create a tool that summarises how each team member might add value to an organisation, group or team. 創建一個工具,總結每個團隊成員如何為公司團隊或團體增加價值。
Facilitate an open dialogue between team members about how to be more effective with each other. 促進團隊成員之間關於如何提高彼此效率的公開對話。
Explore Ways to Develop the DiSC Styles 探索開發DiSC樣式的方法
Explore Ways to Delegate to the DiSC Styles 探索委派DiSC樣式的方法
Explore Ways to Compliment the DiSC Styles (They’ve Done Something Right) 探索補充DiSC樣式的方法(他們做對了一些事情)
Explore Ways to Correct the DiSC Styles (They’ve Done Something Wrong) 探索糾正DiSC樣式的方法(它們做錯了什麼)
Explore Ways to Coach the DiSC Styles (They Need Our Help to Overcome an Obstacle) 探索指導DiSC風格的方法(他們需要我們的幫助來克服障礙)
Explore how we might facilitate problem-solving with the DiSC Styles 探索我們如何通過DiSC樣式促進解決問題
Explore ideas on how to plan an effective interaction with the DiSC Styles 探索有關如何計劃與DiSC樣式進行有效交互的想法
Understand the different things the behaviours look for in an interaction 了解互動中行為尋找的不同事物
Introduce 4 types of conflict and the connection to Motivators 介紹四種類型的衝突以及與動機的關係
Explore the possible positive emotional triggers for the DiSC Styles 探索DiSC風格的可能的積極情感觸發因素
Explore the possible negative emotional triggers for the DiSC Styles. 探索DiSC風格的可能負面情緒觸發因素。
Explore some possible management strategies for negative emotions states for the DiSC Styles. 探索DiSC風格的負面情緒狀態的一些可能的管理策略